Are You a Valid Person?

Are you a valid person at all?

Are you over six feet tall?

What kinda job do you have?

What do you look like? Pretty I hope.

How nice are your clothes?

How many other people think you’re special?

Are people even attracted to you?

Do you have good sex?

Are you wearing a Rolex?

Does melancholy consume you?

Or are you happy in your normalcy like you should be?

How’s the family life? Got kids? Got a spouse? Got a house?

Got a status symbol in the driveway?

Bro, like where do you vacay?

How many followers do you have?

Are you making bank like me?

Are you part of a political party?

How much do you give to charity?

Have you been on TV?

How skinny can you be?

Who are your parents?

Can you beat people up in a fight?

Do you have a lot of guns to show your might?

Do you have a Phd by your name?

Are you good at any games?

How are your musical skills?

Are you an expert chef?

At what gimmick are you the best?

Are you not easily frightened?

Are you spiritually enlightened?

How far can you throw a football?

Are you a valid person at all?

It’s your call.

Listen to what others say to measure your worth

Or do what feels right in your heart

Without a care of what they say

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