The Magical Approach

I just started to get into another one of the Seth speaks series of books called The Magical Approach by Jane Roberts, which has some insightful things to say about the way our culture has grossly stunted our collective intelligence in some subtle ways.

Due to materialist science’s ubiquity we all have become such rational thinkers and in the process ignore many of the the same things materialist science ignores. Like evidence from Rupert Sheldrake suggesting that telepathic/psychic phenomena on some level is likely.

Or how synchronicity is negated when it comes to making decisions even when we’ve experienced it first hand, we continually still don’t trust it and so often default back to materialistic thinking programmed into our brains from so called educational institutions.

We tend to only see the blunt materiality of the situation instead of understanding a reality that has flow to it, intuition, something at play that is not on the surface level.

Below is a quote from the book (for those unfamiliar with the series – Seth is a channeled entity through Jane who is being documented by Jane’s partner):

” The so-called rational approach to life, as it is practiced, is a highly pessimistic one, carrying along with it its own methods and “solutions” to problems, its own means of achieving ends and satisfying desires. Many people are so steeped in that approach to life that they become psychologically blind to any other kind of orientation.

The rational approach of course suits certain kinds of people better than others, even while it still carries its disadvantages. You have been living in an industrialized, scientific society, so that the benefits and the great disadvantages of the rational approach appear everywhere in the social and political world. Artists of any kind find such an approach the least friendly, for it directly contradicts the vast thrust of man’s creativity in several important areas. You, however, and Ruburt, do have evidence that hardbed reality is quite different. In the past you have both felt at some disadvantage yourselves, feeling our work to be theoretically fascinating, creatively valid, but not necessarily containing any statement about any kind of “scientifically valid” hardbed reality.

You did not think you were dealing with fiction. On the other hand, you were not willing to call it fact, either. You are, in fact, dealing with a larger version of fact from which — as I have said before — the world of fact emerges. There have been numerous fascinating bits of evidence in your own lives, apart from these sessions, though certainly to some extent stimulated by the knowledge you gain in the sessions.

They remain isolated bits, odds and ends, in which case they begin to present you with a larger factual representation of reality. All of this material applies to your lives in general and to Ruburt’s physical condition, because you must be clear in your minds as to your own status in that regard, and much of this material will clear the air and dissolve lingering doubts; doubts that cause both of you — but Ruburt in particular — to hold on to the rational approach in a misguided effort to maintain what he thinks of as a balanced viewpoint and open mind. It seems, because of the definitions you have been taught, that there is only one narrow kind of rationality, and that if you forsake the boundary of that narrow definition, then you become irrational, fanatic, mad, or whatever (all very emphatically).

The thin, cold “rationality” that is recognized as such is instead a fake veneer covering a far deeper spontaneous rationality, and it is the existence of that magical rationality that provides the basis for the intellect to begin with. The rationality that you accept is then but one small clue as to the spontaneous inner rationality that is a part of each natural person.”

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